Monday, November 20, 2006

Marxian Materialism

Marxian philosophy seems very organized. His thoughts are arranged in order, assumptions and reasoning laid out.

One of the central ideas is that material world determines human ideas. It thus also determines ultimately, everything in society including values, beliefs, religion etc. This concept is diametrically opposite to Idealism or ideas determining material world. As in, I have an idea and I make something out of it.

To me this Marxian concept seems applicable in many cases. Take for example, the Delhi Metro. It's very existence has brought about a sense of urgency in every other city to look into mass transport systems. It's a kind of mental revolution brought about by the material possession. The Industrial Revolution, the Information Revolution are, ultimately, mental revolutions brought about by "material" revolutions.

Another interesting thought here: India had adopted reforms in 1991. These reforms were applied, naturally, to the material aspects of trade and production. But a change, a reform or a revolution, if you will, is yet to take place in the mental domains. Here I quote, "Prepare yourself to fight and incorporate a change: a real change, i.e., a change in YOU, in yourself and in your work culture, attitude and sense perception. The failure of this last resort would lead to our complete annihilation".


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