Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time to act is NOW!

Recently, a BJP MLA in Karnataka was caught taking bribe from a citizen who approached him for help. It set me thinking -- God forbid I need to take help from an MLA for some reason. And his secretary tell me I need to deposit lakhs of rupees before he takes a look at the case.. How much would I hate to have voted for him or for some other equally corrupt candidate!

JP Narayan' Lok Satta is calling us to put our weight behind it. Let us do all we can in the following months, so that the party gets a sizeable vote share if not winning seats. Remember vote share will translate to 'State Party' recognition with ensuing perks. Please campaign for Lok Satta in whatever way you can!

Here's an appeal from JPN:

Time to act is now

Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Varanasi, Guwahati…. Do we need more warnings? We all hate today's politics. But this hatred will take us nowhere. We need new politics. So far, we have been helpless. Traditional parties have become dens of corruption, cynicism, casteism, criminality and family rule. Now, there is a new, ethical platform to fulfill our aspirations: Lok Satta Party in Andhra Pradesh (AP)

Embodies the truly New Political Culture Offers powerful transformative agenda Has a real chance of winning - a historic opportunity Lok Satta is known to 75% of the people of AP. Lok Satta's credibility after twelve years of record is impeccable. Its agenda is to transform India andpromote dignity, opportunity and justice to all. Two-thirds of voters want clean politics and competent government; they provide Lok Satta a real chance of success. This is a truly historic opportunity to transform AP politics.

We invite you to participate. New Political Culture offers opportunities for everyone: you can be a member, a party builder, a leader or a candidate for public office. We need leaders not based on caste or family background. And, we need ethical money for ethical politics. The opportunity is at hand. The time for action and support is now.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan


Blogger Ramprasad said...

The vision seems great enough, but I am wondering how easy or difficult it would be to get it materialized. Because, power is always associated with nothing but power and acquiring it requires something much more than just ideas and motivation. You may argue that in democracy power can be transferred through support from common people and commitment to serve them would foster it, but practically that is not the case. Throughout history, acquiring power has always been one of the most challenging tasks a person can face. It requires not just years but generations before reaching a mode of ruling. And after sometime, again that fails and it requires revolution or reformation. One classic example is democracy and now I think time has come to experiment with something different and advanced.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Anand said...

Those are some thought provoking lines. They have breathed life into my blog and I might start posting here again.

This is what I have to say - it's time to act now. Let us act. Let us campaign for these intelligent, honest and sane people. In a month when we would have given our best to this campaign, let us see the result and seeif we have gotten somewhere and if there is chance to go further. But we cannot foreclose our golden option on the basis of inductive arguments.

Imagine, this could be the revolution you talk about. A revolution in the way democracy functions. After all, for us democracy was mostly in the name. Lok Satta might usher in People's Power and real democracy that is different and much more advanced than what we have today!


11:08 PM  
Blogger Macaulay said...

Ramprasad: Are you advocating moving away from democracy to find something else that works? Have we not seen the problems absolute power creates in the sub-continent already?

10:04 AM  
Blogger Ramprasad said...

Macaulay, I am not advocating absolute power but something more advanced than current democracy which I am also not sure. May be as Anand told it might start with something apparently humble as suggested in the post. But I just wanted to make following points:

1. Most of the people, in general, are not sure what exactly they want. They can't distinguish the good from bad. Nevertheless, everyone's vote counts equally. There are techniques to brainwash them and if you are good at that, there is a chance to gain power and that is what is happening in the current democracy.

2. Power normally corrupts a person over a period of time. So, keeping the same person in power may become detrimental to the society.

3. But keeping a wrong person in power for a short period makes him greedy and he will try to pillage as much as possible in the available time.

10:18 AM  

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