Wednesday, December 17, 2008

PanIIT meet

I am going to the panIIT meet this weekend. It already promises to be a very enriching experience.

One of the tracks in the meet is about "Rural Transformation". This track will be attended by the likes of Aruna Roy, Arvind Kejriwal etc.

Am also exciting about a brainstorming session with other like minded IITians about giving back to the society. Pre-brainstorming discussions going on now range from radical ones like starting a new political outfit to more technically grounded ones like passing on our technical skills.

One thing seems clear from the tone of the discussions - there is a lot of enthusiasm to give back. And equally clear is the fact that there is no rallying point that can take this enthusiasm forward in a constructive manner.

What we need to do is to network well-meaning people all across the country, whose collective voice can be heard loud and clear above the din of slugfest politics.

I hope, I make it in time for the brainstorming session. If my train gets delayed I might miss it. That would be a pity.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What should be done?

What should be done?

What's needed is not political rhetoric, but basic ground level reforms. Read this about how basic issues like equipping and training our security forces have been woefully neglected.

Also read this longer article on broader reforms in governance. We need greater public pressure on the governments at the centre and in the states to implement these reforms. Else none of these sick politicians will move towards providing us security.

In fact, this is not just about security. This is about broader reforms. And we need it now. Do I hear any political party speaking for me here?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Shooters and compensation

I just read this somewhere and it made me feel ashamed of India.

"An Olympic shooter wins Gold & Government gives him 3Crores and awards.
Another shooter dies fighting with terrorists & Goverment pays his family 5 Lakhs.
Great india great !!!"

People, this has to change!!

Enough of power-mongering politicians. This time around, encourage family and friends to vote and to vote for decent candidates, who would not shirk their basic responsibility of security.